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The educational challenge of the twenty-first century has motivated many families to seek an alternative to today's modern, conventional classroom atmosphere. Greater Augusta Christian Academy, a ministry of Greater Augusta Apostolic Church, upholds a standard of excellence in both academic and Christian character training.
GACA was founded in 1979 with a desire to meet the needs of such families. We use the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) School of Tomorrow curriculum. A.C.E. is an individualized, self-instructional, mastery-based approach. It is a Bible-based, Christian K-12 curriculum, consisting of reading programs, core curriculum (Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Spelling, Creative Writing, and Bible Reading) required electives and additional instructional programs. Kindergarten and first level students are taught with a phonics-based program.

Each student advances according to individual learning ability. Students who are more skilled may progress at a faster rate or accelerate in areas of academic strength. Academically challenged students are encouraged to do their best, but are able to work at levels of proficiency and proceed as they are capable.
By integrating character-building principles and Scripture memorization into academics, we can help our children grow to see life from God's point of view. By focusing on their individual needs, we can help them master each concept before moving to the next. Children learn how to set goals and take responsibility for their own learning. Our future is directed by the education of today's youth.
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